Flavors like, Vanilla, Chocolate, Lemon, Orange and more
Lemon Flavor 1Ltr- Pradip
- Flavorings are ingredients that are added to foods in very small amounts, either to give a specific flavor to a product, such as beverages, confectionery, baked goods or yogurt, or to enhance or replace flavor and aroma lost during food processing.Specially made for the food service industry to inspire extraordinary menus, deliver consistent recipes, and provide endless options for creativity.
UShs63,000Lemon Flavor 1Ltr- Pradip
UShs63,000 -
Strawberry Pradip Flavor – 1Litre
- Flavorings are ingredients that are added to foods in very small amounts, either to give a specific flavor to a product, such as beverages, confectionery, baked goods or yogurt, or to enhance or replace flavor and aroma lost during food processing. Specially made for the food service industry to inspire extraordinary menus, deliver consistent recipes, and provide endless options for creativity.
UShs38,000Strawberry Pradip Flavor – 1Litre
UShs38,000 -
Vanilla Pradip clear Essence Flavor 1ltr
This flavoring is a staple for superior creations, whether you’re making treats for an everyday gathering or decorating an elegant wedding cake. Great for baked goods, desserts and beverages,
UShs58,000UShs60,000Vanilla Pradip clear Essence Flavor 1ltr
UShs58,000UShs60,000 -
UShs5,000Vanilla Pradip clear Essence Flavor 50mls
UShs4,500UShs5,000 -
Vanilla Pradip Dark Essence Flavor 1ltr